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常見問題 Frequently Asked Questions
我可以喺呢度讀啲咩 What courses will I take?
We offered a variety of courses related to Glocal Citizenship, Cultural Intelligence and practical skills which you can apply in real-life service that organizations are looking for.
We offered a variety of courses related to Glocal Citizenship, Cultural Intelligence and practical skills which you can apply in real-life service that organizations are looking for.
Do I need to complete the Certificate Courses before joinint International Service Project?
唔同嘅國際服務項目都會要求申請人持有不同證書。 如果想增加機會成功被取錄參與國際服務項目嘅話,記得積極參與唔同嘅證書課程啦!
Different international service projects would require different qualifications of the Certificate Course. The more certificates you get, the higher chance you would be accepted to join the project.
Different international service projects would require different qualifications of the Certificate Course. The more certificates you get, the higher chance you would be accepted to join the project.
以往嘅「工作營現金券」可以喺呢個平台上兌換課程/ 義遊項目/ 工作營嗎?
Can I use the "Workcamp Coupon" to redeem the course/ VolTra projects/ workcamp here?
當然可以啦!你嘅「工作營現金券」將會化身呢個全新義遊平台嘅「義遊學習券」!你可以隨便選擇合適嘅課程/ 義遊項目,喺新常態下探索義遊全新學習體驗! 當然,我哋亦都會按照疫情狀況精選適合參與嘅國際工作營項目,放返喺呢個平台上開放報名 俾大家可以喺安全情況下再次出發!
Sure! You can use your "Workcamp Coupon" to redeem the latest VolTra projects, courses and workcamps here. We would select suitable workcamps (according to the pandemic situation) for enrollment on this platform.
Sure! You can use your "Workcamp Coupon" to redeem the latest VolTra projects, courses and workcamps here. We would select suitable workcamps (according to the pandemic situation) for enrollment on this platform.