Caring Leadership Challenge

Co-create a better world

(If you are students outside Hong Kong, please press here)
Enrollment Deadline:15 Feb 2023 (Wed) 
Our world is facing various cross-broader critical issues that needs our attention and care. These issues influence everyone on the planet, and we need to join hands to these problems.

In this way, we needs a critical mass of “care agents” for social good, who could instigate small actions that can persistently mirrored, adapted, and altered by other individuals in the same or different national and cultural context. It's time to step out of our comfort zone, and be a Caring Leader together!
Make friends with passionate change-makers from different countries
Gain a Free overseas volunteer workcamp to make further contribution to the world *
Respond to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a Caring Leader
Gain inspiration from outstanding leaders who are dedicated to making our world a better place
* Outstanding students in the programme would gain a Free overseas volunteer workcamp by VolTra to continue your caring journey !
 Enroll now to secure your next overseas journey in 2023!

Programme Highlight

Leadership Preparation Workshop
(10 Feb 2023, Fri)

A chance for you to meet all potential Caring Leaders on EDUHK campus and prepare to make a change together. 
  • Date:10 Feb 2023(Fri)
  • Time:19:00- 21:00 (HK Time, GMT+8)
  • Venue:EDUHK Campus
* This event is applicable for EDUHK students in Hong Kong only

Online Training Session (13 Feb 2023, Mon)

Our journey begins here! Gain inspiration from our trainer about the essential skills as an international Caring Leader!
  • Date:13 Feb 2023(Mon)
  • Time:19:00- 21:00 (HK Time, GMT+8)
  • Venue:Zoom (online)

Caring Challenge (Stage 1)

A set of online missions for you to understand and show your caring of the community needs locally and in other countries.
  • Date:13 Feb 2023 (Mon) – 20 Feb 2023 (Mon)
  • Time:Anytime
  • Venue:Goodmates App (online)

Prize: Students who gained more than 500 miles in the Stage 1 will gain:
  • Overseas students: USD 20 Coupon of Apple Gift-card/ "Get Your Guide" Local Tours
  • EDUHK students: Local Tours Quota in Hong Kong

Caring Leader Salon (20 Feb 2023, Mon)

Interact with international Caring Leaders’ sharing of their experience, and tips of creating positive changes.

  • Date:20 Feb 2023(Mon)
  • Time:19:00- 21:00 (HK Time, GMT+8)
  • Venue:Zoom (online)

Caring Challenge (Stage 2)

It's time to take actions! Team-up with like-minded fellows and co-create a  Caring Project that is related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 
  • Date:20 Feb 2023 (Mon) – 27 Feb 2023 (Mon)
  • Time:Anytime
  • Venue:Goodmates App (online)

*Remarks: Only the Top 100 (Hong Kong) students and Top 200 (overseas) students in Stage 1 would be invited to join the Stage 2

Caring Leader Passing-out
(27 Feb 2023, Mon)

Time to celebrate your achievement and share your learning experience with others.
  • Date: 27 Feb 2023(Mon)
  • Time:19:00- 21:00 (HK Time, GMT+8)
  • Venue:Zoom (online)

Incentive: Outstanding students in the Stage 2 will have chance to gain:
  • Overseas students: FREE journey to Hong Kong - an International bootcamp in summer 2023
  • EDUHK students: FREE Overseas volunteer workcamp (Valued: HKD 7,500) , for you to physically go to an overseas community to continue your caring journey  

Join us now and co-create a better world

Frequently asked questions

1/   Do I need any qualifications to participate ?

You only need to be:
  • Currently studying in EDUHK/ any University Programme/ Tertiary Institution in your country
  • Able to communicate in English (written and verbal)
  • Able to participate in the events of the programme
  • Equipped with smartphone, laptop or electronic devices that can access the internet

2/  Will this programme be potentially affected by the pandemic ?

The majority of the programme is accessible using online platforms, such as mission challenge, bootcamp and kick-off session. You can connect with people from all around the world no matter where you are!

For the winners who can participate in the overseas international workcamp, we would select those places that is relatively more stable of the pandemic, and guide you along during the preparation process.

3/  Which location can I choose for the International workcamp?

For overseas students outside Hong Kong,  you can gain a FREE journey to Hong Kong in summer 2023! We will organize an international bootcamp in Hong Kong in this summer holiday, where you can meet the friends and fellows from Hong Kong and different countries, explore the city and contribute to the community together!

For the EDUHK students in Hong Kong, you can select an International workcamp among VolTra's destination across the globe. For details and information, please refer to: 

(All of the the accommodations, meals, local transportation, volunteers service and cultural programme is covered during the workcamp period)

4/  How to collaborate with groupmates from different time-zones? 

You can explore an effective communication method among your group.
It could be: A group chat-room in messaging app, mutual-agreed time of Zoom meeting, breakdown of small teams with near-by countries or other feasible ways you could think of.

5/  Will I receive a certificate upon completion of the programme?

Yes, certificate would be provided to all participants who participated in the Stage 2 Mission Challenge. Remember to be active and engaging during the Stage 1 to guarantee a place in the Stage 2.

6/ What happens if I am unavailable to join some of the Mission /event?

The mission challenges allow the freedom for participants to choose their own schedule and process to complete the activities. We understand that you may not be able to join all activities due to hectic schedule or urgent issues.

Therefore, we encourage you to join as much as you could according to your own schedule though you are not required to complete all missions.

7/  Other enquiries about the programme?

If you want to subscribe to latest update about the programme/ have any enquiries, you may email to or  Whatsapp us via the following link: 
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